Thursday, April 7, 2011

Seven...the magic number?

So, I just finished day seven of my Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred 30 day challenge. The start up was hard, especially having put it off all day and doing it after dinner (my sweet grandparents came into town and took us to an early dinner at Chili's. I got the "healthy," chicken and green chili soup. It was delicious, and low calorie, but upon returning home I learned that it is LOADED with sodium. Moral: always pre-plan before eating out.) Anyway, once I got a little warmed up, I noticed a BIG difference in my endurance. I was rocking that work out today. I'm still not as good as I can be, but I am feeling a little more confident that I won't die when I move up to level two in three days. It's a good feeling. And it's GREAT to be able to recognize a change in my body. I haven't weighed or measured myself, but I can feel myself getting more fit. I still get all sweaty and lobster faced, but I'm becoming more in shape every day I do the workout. It's SO good to feel in control of something. I feel powerful. I can't imagine how happy I'll feel on day 30. Woo Hoo! I want to hear suggestions from ANYONE out there in internet land on how I should reward myself after I finish day 30. Anyone?

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Low Cal, Low fat, Slow Cooker Chili....mmmm

Low Cal, Low fat, Slow Cooker Chili....mmmm
Check out the steam coming from the slow cooker!

Served with my Italian Cheese Biscuits...if you want the recipe ask.

Served with my Italian Cheese Biscuits...if you want the recipe ask.

Vegetable Lo Mein with Chicken

Vegetable Lo Mein with Chicken
NOT a food photographer, ha ha ha. Hopefully I'll get better.

Ingredients for Vegetable Lo Mein

Ingredients for Vegetable Lo Mein
Aren't those veggies pretty?