Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter! Almost done with the challenge...

Last night, after all of the lovely Easter festivities, church, egg painting/hiding/finding, LOTS of food, and time with family, we finally arrived home pretty late, and it dawned on me that I had not yet done my 30 Day Shred workout for the day. I REALLY did not want to workout last night. In fact, I almost shrugged it off. I told my husband, "what if I just do two workouts tomorrow? Would that count?"

Ultimately, it was the whole idea of Easter that pushed me to complete my daily workout. Life. Living. That is what Easter is all about; the amazing miracle and gift that this life is, and that life can, and will, continue. It's about life, and the resurrection as proof of continuing life.

So, I decided that I needed to put more value in the gift that is my life. And be grateful for it. I did work out. It was hard, and more than a little awful, but I felt good after doing it. Easter inspired me this year in so many ways. But the biggest way it inspired me was by filling me with a feeling of how precious and wonderful the gift of life is. I want to take care of my body so that I can live my life on this earth to the fullest, however long that is, and take care of the gift of my body.

I hope all of you in reader land had a wonderful Easter. And if you don't celebrate Easter, I hope the sun was shining wherever you are, and birds were singing, and that the evidence that spring will come and life will be renewed warmed you up and made your heart sing. I know mine was singing yesterday!

By the way, after today I will be halfway through level 3. Only 5 days left until I've complete the 30 days of my 30 day shred challenge. It was hard, but I'm proving to myself that I can do hard things. Especially if it means getting healthy, and un-frumpy. Totally worth it. Watch for some tasty recipes to come!


  1. Wahoo Jordo! I'm impressed. I probably would have gone to bed. What is the 30 day shred challenge by the way? I've never heard of it! Keep up the good work!

  2. Brooke, the 30 Day Shred is a workout video by Jillian Micheals from the Biggest Loser. It's a tough workout with 3 levels. I made a committment to complete 30 days of the 30 day shred in April, 10 days on each level. I only have a couple of days left!!! I'm so happy I've proven to myself I can do it. It's a great workout. I challenged myself, and I challenged my followers to comment on posts and find other followers to earn points toward winning their own copy. I'll announce the winner on the first of May.


Low Cal, Low fat, Slow Cooker Chili....mmmm

Low Cal, Low fat, Slow Cooker Chili....mmmm
Check out the steam coming from the slow cooker!

Served with my Italian Cheese Biscuits...if you want the recipe ask.

Served with my Italian Cheese Biscuits...if you want the recipe ask.

Vegetable Lo Mein with Chicken

Vegetable Lo Mein with Chicken
NOT a food photographer, ha ha ha. Hopefully I'll get better.

Ingredients for Vegetable Lo Mein

Ingredients for Vegetable Lo Mein
Aren't those veggies pretty?