Monday, February 28, 2011

A Commitment To You:

So, March is about to begin. Where does time go? In a few days, my baby will be 5 months old already. How did that happen? It goes by way, way too fast. Anyway, five months is way too long to still be using the, "I just had a baby," excuse, in my book. So, I've decided to dedicate March to a review. I recently bought Jillian's 30 Day shred, and I've loved it. Being sick, I had to take a break. So, starting fresh tomorrow, I will do 30 straight days of Jillian's 30 Day Shred, complete with before and after pictures. I will also let you know how much, if any, weight and inches I lose in those thirty days. It will be hard, but 20 minutes a day is worth it, I think. I'm also going to try to get out of the house EVERY day if I can, and wear my Shape-Up Extended Fitness shoes out and about. We'll see if Jillian, my Shape-Ups, and MFP will work together to help me lose 10 pounds in March. What are your goals for March?


  1. I used the "I had a baby" excuse for over a year. Good luck to you!!


  2. Ive been using that excuse too long aswell. I have decided to put an end to that as soon as I delivered Hailee! Let me know how the 30 day shred works for you! Im definately interested!


Low Cal, Low fat, Slow Cooker Chili....mmmm

Low Cal, Low fat, Slow Cooker Chili....mmmm
Check out the steam coming from the slow cooker!

Served with my Italian Cheese Biscuits...if you want the recipe ask.

Served with my Italian Cheese Biscuits...if you want the recipe ask.

Vegetable Lo Mein with Chicken

Vegetable Lo Mein with Chicken
NOT a food photographer, ha ha ha. Hopefully I'll get better.

Ingredients for Vegetable Lo Mein

Ingredients for Vegetable Lo Mein
Aren't those veggies pretty?